Zygosaccharomyces bailii

Zygosaccharomyces bailii yeasts are able to re-ferment during ageing or after bottling. They are often responsible for re-fermentation of sweet wines as well as sweetened wines.

Originating from grapes, they are present in juice and likely to grow in wine after post fermentation sulphiting. They are particularly resistant to ethanol and SO2.

Thanks to their extraordinary capacity for resistance, it is important to clearly identify them so as to eliminate them as soon as possible.

Various analytical tools are available to anticipate, prevent and respond to Zygosaccharomyces growth.


PCR on colonies after culture    

Real time PCR
Results Presence / Absence Population in equivalent CFH*/mL
Volum 125 mL 125 mL
Analysis duration 7 days 2 days

*CFU = Colony Forming Unit

Our quality guarantee

  • Genetic test with reference strains


 Laboratoire EXCELL®   -  25, rue Aristide Bergès 33270 FLOIRAC - +33 5 57 77 96 27 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.